What do you do when you lose your husband and have five children to support? This was the situation facing one of our users.
K was overwhelmed with intense grief at the loss of her husband, which impacted upon her emotional and physical health. She was drained of psychological and physical capacity to address her situation – suddenly becoming a single parent of five children with no family, no financial means of support and no understanding of the financial and administrative aspects of running the home.

Give A Gift supported K with the funeral arrangements, and helped the family with its Universal Credit application and other financial related issues. We provided one to one emotional support, helping her to reduce stress and anxiety and process the grief, in a safe space.
We connected K to our Women’s Peer Support Group and supported her attendance at our Social and Wellbeing Group sessions.
K developed the courage to attend the groups, despite experiencing anxiety. With support, she began to understand that the process of grief is slow and not linear. Through our intervention, she is now accessing counselling through her GP and Linking Leeds and on the journey to recovery.